/ Debian

For your Virtual Private Server

/ Available Debian releases

Debian 10

End of life: August 2024End of life: August 2024
  • PHP 7.3
  • Kernel 4.19
  • OpenSSH 7.9
  • Python 3.7

Debian 11

End of life: UnknownEnd of life: Unknown
  • PHP 7.4
  • Kernel 5.10
  • OpenSSH 8.4
  • Python 3.9

Debian 12

End of life: UnknownEnd of life: Unknown
  • PHP 8.2
  • Kernel 6.1
  • OpenSSH 9.2
  • Python 3.11.2

/ Instantly installed

Debian is one of the most famous open-source linux distributions and is managed by a group of volunteers (the Debian project). Debian has thousands of free programs, one of the largests respositories with open-source software, making Debian an all-rounded operating system for your BladeVPS.

/ BladeVPS PureSSD

/ X8

  • 4 shared vCPU's
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 320 GB SSD
  • 10 TB Pooled Traffic
Included features
  • 1 Snapshot
  • Monitoring
  • Automatic backups
€ 33,99/mo *

Including Debian


/ X4

  • 2 shared vCPU's
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 150 GB SSD
  • 5 TB Pooled Traffic
Included features
  • 1 Snapshot
  • Monitoring
  • Automatic backups
€ 12,99/mo *

Including Debian


/ X1

  • 1 shared vCPU
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 75 GB SSD
  • 1 TB Pooled Traffic
Included features
  • 1 Snapshot
  • Monitoring
  • Automatic backups
€ 14,50/mo

Including Debian


* Discount applies for the first 6 months

/ BladeVPS PureSSD Pro

/ X64

  • 8 shared vCPU's
  • 64 GB RAM
  • 1.280 GB SSD
  • 30 TB Pooled Traffic
Included features
  • 1 Snapshot
  • Monitoring
  • Automatic backups
€ 359,50/mo

Including Debian


/ X24

  • 8 shared vCPU's
  • 24 GB RAM
  • 640 GB SSD
  • 20 TB Pooled Traffic
Included features
  • 1 Snapshot
  • Monitoring
  • Automatic backups
€ 188,50/mo

Including Debian


/ X16

  • 6 shared vCPU's
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 320 GB SSD
  • 15 TB Pooled Traffic
Included features
  • 1 Snapshot
  • Monitoring
  • Automatic backups
€ 125,50/mo

Including Debian


/ Need help?

In our Knowledge Base you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions.